The following rules have been designed to provide a maximum level of enjoyment for all members and their guests. They have been formulated by Management and approved by the elected Board Members. Please ensure that family members and guests understand these rules.
General Rules
- Members and their guests are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate, courteous, and respectful manner.
- Members are financially responsible for their charges as well as their guests’ charges and any damage to club property.
- Club property will not be removed from the premises.
- All food and beverages must be purchased from the club. It is illegal to bring any alcoholic beverages on club property as required by Iowa State Law.
- Violations of club rules will be reported to the General Manager and appropriate actions will be taken.
Golf Rules
All members and guests are expected to follow the golf course rules listed below. Each member is requested to observe the rules and to call them to the attention of others in the event they are not followed. Infraction of any rule should be reported to the manager on duty.
- Must comply with the “Weekly Play and Restrictions Schedule”
- All golfers must register with the pro shop staff before starting the round. This is especially important with new
members so our staff can get to know you. - All golfers must tee off on hole #1, unless given permission by the pro shop staff.
- Must notify pro shop when renting a cart.
- Age requirements for cart use:
- 18 years old to rent golf cart
- 16 years old to drive golf cart with parent supervision or with family car club purchase
- 15 years old and younger are not allowed to drive golf cart regardless of supervision
- Juniors must be at least 11 years old to play without an adult. Juniors must also abide by weekend and holiday junior restrictions.
- Appropriate golf attire is required on the golf course and practice green. Men, 16 years and older, must wear collared shirts. T-shirts, cutoffs, tank tops and jerseys are not allowed. Most forms of outerwear are allowed. Jeans are allowed. No cut off jeans allowed. Women and children must wear appropriate golf attire. Swimming suits are not allowed. Shirt and shoes must be worn at all times on the golf course.
- Groups of five players are allowed with the following conditions:
- Must notify the pro shop staff
- Must keep a 9 hole pace of play at 1 hour and 50 minutes
- Must keep up with the group in front of them and allow faster groups to play through if the spacing allows
- All groups of 5 are required to sign in with the clubhouse to start the round and required to notify the clubhouse when making the turn to monitor speed of play
- All groups of 5 are subject to being broken up if the staff determines it necessary, and may lose this privilege if it becomes an issue or if they do not comply with the above requirements
- *** The rules on groups of five will continue to be evaluated and are subject to change if needed. ***
- Green fees must be paid for any non-member or social member of Indian Creek Country Club and are limited to 4 rounds of golf per year. This includes spouse and children of single memberships. Guest days, outings and open tournaments do not count toward the 4 round limit. All guests must sign-in and register in the pro shop.
- Holes #1 and #10 will alternate using the following rotation:
- Group teeing off #1 are first in line
- Group coming off #9, starting #10 are second in line
- Alternating continues until #1 tee opens
- Golf course etiquette is to be used at all times. This includes:
- Repairing ball marks, replacing divots, and raking sand traps
- Keep carts at least 30 feet away from greens and follow any on course signs
- Keeping pace of play and allowing faster groups to play through
- Pace of play: 1 hour 50 minutes for 9 holes, 3 hours 40 minutes for 18 holes
- Other information:
- White tees are used for the front nine and red tees used for the back nine.
- The light switch on hole #9 is used to notify when the green is in use.
- Official ladies tee box is on hole #7 and unofficial tee box is available on hole #5. Men and juniors can use.
- U.S.G.A. rules will govern all play. Local revisions will supersede all rules.
Pool Rules
Open Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend
- Only members and their invited guests are authorized to use the pool facilities.
- There will be no lifeguard on duty.
- All members and guests must sign in at the gate when entering the pool area.
- All pool members and guests must register in the pro shop and guest must pay a $5.00 guest fee*** upon arrival.
- Pool Attendants have full and complete authority over the use of the swimming pool.
- Behavior that is hazardous is prohibited and the lifeguards will handle any disciplinary action needed.
- All children must be of at least 12 years of age to be left unsupervised at the pool.
- No glass containers are allowed in the pool area.
- Members will be held accountable for the conduct of their children and their guests.
- All posted pool rules will be strictly enforced.
- Any conduct that spoils the enjoyment of others will not be allowed.
- An adult must supervise children using the wading pool. Older children are not allowed in wading pool area.
- Radios are not allowed without headphones.
- The pool will not open if the outside temperature is less than 70 degrees.
- Those in swimming attire are limited to the pool area only. They must stay off the golf course and practice green.
- Must wear a shirt and shoes when entering clubhouse.
- Food and beverages are available in the Creeke Bed anytime.
- Bicycles must be left on the bike rack and are not to be used in the parking lot.
- The poolhouse restrooms will remain closed for the season, but the locker rooms inside the clubhouse will be available for use for all pool guests.
- The pool may close early due to lack of use.
Account Credit Policy
Indian Creek Country Club members have the opportunity to take advantage of our credit policy.
- Credit shall be extended only to those members in good standing.
- The amount billed is due in 30 days and becomes delinquent thereafter with a 1.5% monthly finance charge applied to the unpaid balance. A minimum finance charge of $1.00 is applied.
- Any account 60 days in arrears shall have their charge privileges suspended and must have a credit card on file.
- Pro Shop credit cannot be applied toward member’s account, and must be used for pro shop merchandise.
- All food and beverage account charges, in the Creeke Bed or upstairs, are subject to a 18% gratuity.
Dining Room / Banquet Facility
- The dining room is available for club functions and events. This room is also available for private use by members and the public. A room rental fee is required. Members receive a rental discount.
- The club handles all food and bar arrangements.
- Dining facilities are open to the public.
- All tickets are subject to a 18% gratuity.
Creeke Bed
- The Creeke Bed is open daily during the golf season.
- Members are financially responsible for their own and their guests’ charges and damages.
- The Creeke Bed is not a game or card room for children.
- All food and beverage charges are subject to a 18% gratuity.
- Shirt and shoes are required to be worn in the clubhouse.
- All returnable items are the property of the club.
Alcohol Policy
In accordance with Iowa State Law, Indian Creek Country Club will not allow any persons less than 21 years of age to be served alcoholic beverages. Valid identification (photo ID) of any person of questionable age will be requested. The club’s policy is not to serve anyone who has been determined to be intoxicated. Alcohol may not be brought onto the club premises. Doing so will result in immediate ejection from the property and possible further action will be taken if necessary.
Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures
One of the goals of the Club is to maintain a social and work environment free from unlawful harassment that in any form or fashion violates federal or state law. “Harassment” includes (but is not limited to) unwelcome intimidation, insult, comment, or offensive physical conduct, etc. Harassment is unlawful when, for example, the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment or the conduct is so severe or pervasive that a reasonable person might feel intimidated. Of course, the Club and the Board cannot address harassment if the conduct is not reported. Therefore, when an employee or member feels s/he has been harassed, the Club encourages the employee or member to report to the Club Manager.
The Club Manager will exercise reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any prohibited conduct. The Club’s Manager who receives a report of harassment or offensive conduct will report to the Board of Directors. The Board will then implement corrective action as needed. The appropriate corrective action will depend on the severity or pervasiveness of the conduct, the response required to end such conduct and deter its re-occurrence, the offender’s disciplinary/conduct history, and the surrounding circumstances. Corrective action may include suspension or expulsion. Of course, retaliation is prohibited against an employee based on any report of harassment. Be assured that information reporting relating to reports of harassment, hostile, or abusive conduct will be maintained on a confidential basis to the extent possible, consistent with an appropriate, thorough, and impartial investigation. A record of the report and investigation and subsequent corrective measures will be kept in the records of the Club.
All Club members and guests should bear in mind the Board has adopted this policy.
Thank you.